
Jaipur Weather – What is the Best Time to Visit Jaipur?

The best time to visit Jaipur depends on the climate. The capital city of Rajasthan is situated at the junction of hot Thar desert and semi-arid plains of India.

If we move west from the city, climate changes to the desert type and we move east the climate changes to the plains type.

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Jaipur Weather

During the monsoon season (from mid-June till September), Jaipur receives moderate rainfall.

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According to the official stats published by the Indian Meteorological Department, following are few Jaipur weather facts.

  • The maximum temperatures hover at 40 °C to 47 °C in May. Heatwave prevails for a few days in the season, when day temperature rises to 4 to 6 °C above normal.
  • The winter minimum temperatures remain about 4 to 9 °C and fall below zero deg.
  • Mist and fog occur in the morning hours after the passage of western disturbances.
  • The minimum temperature as low as -2.2 °C was recorded on 16th January, 1964 and 31st January, 1905.
  • The Maximum temperature’s upward surge starts in April and reaches a peak in the month of May.
  • The downward trend in minimum temperatures commences in September and continues up to January. January is the coldest month.
  • Rainfall increases from the month of June when thundery activities start and July and August are the rainiest months.
  • Monsoon withdraws in the middle of September. Rainfall decreases sharply in October and November.

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What is the Best Time to Visit Jaipur?

In October, the temperature starts to fall. Winters are usually pleasant with average temperature ranging from 10 to 15°C. On extreme days it may fall down to 4°C. So, Winter season is the Tourism Season which stays up until March or the Holi Festival.

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Summer temperatures are relatively higher in the months of April, May and June. Mercury may rise up to 45°C and the average temperature is 30-35°C, making it very tough for the tourists to walk in the Jaipur city.

So, the best time to visit Jaipur, is during Winters i.e., from October to March.

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