
How to reduce Indoor Air Pollution up to 90% naturally

With the increase in indoor air pollution in Jaipur, we came across a Jaipur-based startup offering us an option to buy indoor plants to reduce indoor air pollution.

Jaipur is one of the fastest growing cities in India. When it was established it was confined within walled city only. Additionally it was surrounded by thick forests. But with years it has expanded outside city walls in every direction.

Where to get indoor plants in Jaipur?

You can get these plants delivered at your doorstep in Jaipur too. We thank the team of Oxy3 for sharing their valuable knowledge.

If you want to own a greener, cleaner and classy balcony you may contact Team Oxy3 for their gardening and balcony modeling services. They could be contacted for other gardening services and Balcony Modeling in Jaipur.

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Air Pollution in Jaipur

This comes with numerous opportunities for everyone. People from every part of India settle in Jaipur for better life. But the growing urbanization comes with some threats too. And poorly managed pollution is one threat for every living being.

In almost 100 years after Industrial Revolution, Air Pollution is claiming 4.2 million (Source WHO) lives every year. Although, many countries are working rigorously in direction of increasing green cover including India and China topping but the efforts seem to be dwarfed by high pollution index figures.

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While we thrive to reduce air pollution there is another kind of Air Pollution that is equally dangerous to us. Indoor Air Pollution is an eminent threat to human kind and other living being.

Indoor Air Pollution Facts

  • 25% of heart diseases are caused by air pollution
  • 3.8 million deaths every year because of exposure to indoor air pollution
  • More than 3 Billion people are dependent on polluting sources of cooking
  • 50% of deaths in children under 5 due to pneumonia are attributed to indoor air pollution
  • Women and children are more vulnerable to indoor air pollution as they spend more time indoor as compared to men
  • Indoor Air Pollution is a leading cause of Asthma in Children
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ranks indoor air pollution in top 5 threats to living beings today
  • A research states that more than every year 4 lakh deaths are caused by indoor air pollution
  • Indoor Air Pollution may cause breathing problem, lung infection, lung cancer, diabetics, heart diseases or brain stroke

Undoubtedly they pose a great threat to all of us and Jaipur is not an exception. Our motive is not to scare you but create awareness. To know more about the problem we met an energetic friend from Assam.

Dipankar Rabha has started a green startup Oxy3 in Jaipur focusing on the same problem. He was kind enough to share his knowledge about the subject and he has some excellent yet simple suggestions for all of us.

What causes Indoor Air Pollution?

Usage of combustible sources for cooking, poor ventilation, usage of toxic products, high temperature, dampness and humidity are some major causes of indoor pollution. Here is a list of few hazardous components of indoor air pollution-

  • Tobacco Smoke – If someone smokes in the house then the poisonous smoke is trapped in the house and it affects health badly
Picture Credit – japantimes.co.jp
  • Dampness is on a high during monsoon season. Bacteria, mildew, dust mites and other contaminations are caused by dampness and humidity.
  •  Burning of wood, incense sticks, cow dung and other stuff to heat houses cause indoor air pollution
  • Formaldehyde is a harmful substance found in paints and wood floors
  • Radon – It is a hazardous gas found underneath the houses in the bedrocks and building materials
  • Asbestos – It is the majorly responsible for indoor air pollution. It could be found in building materials, automotive components, floor tiles, coatings and paints

While we cannot get rid of the pollutants completely but Team Oxy 3 suggests these could be reduced by 90% by following some small steps.

How to reduce Indoor Air Pollution?

Almost everyone loves the shade of green trees. But it is hard to find the appropriate space to plant one. Every Hotel owner must opt for the steps in order to provide a cleaner and greener stay to their customers. We can use Air Purifiers for the purpose.

Good Air Purifiers may improve air quality inside homes. But in India a HEPA Air Purifier may cost between 10K to 1 Lakh.

But there is another natural way to reduce indoor pollution. And we promise it is beautiful and effective too. These indoor plants will help you breath better air inside your home.

  • Red Edge Dracena – This plant has the property to absorb the hazardous gases or particles fastest. Red Edge Dracena can filter up to 79% air in 24 hours. It must be kept near kitchen preferably.
  • Peace Lily Plants – Under suitable condition this plant can grow to the height of 16 inches indoors. It is the only plant that has the ability to absorb all 5 types of harmful particles present in air.
Picture Credit – oxy3plants.com
  • Multicolor Snake Plant – It is one of the best house plants. Multicolor Snake Plant is easy to care and it adds to the beauty of your home. It alone can reduce pollution by 53% in 24 hours.
Picture Credit – costafarms.com
  • English IVY – It is used to provide green cover to houses. English Ivy has the ability to filter air fastest. It cleans air up to 90%.

If you find our article interesting and helpful don’t forget to share it with your friends online. After all it is our right to breath in pure air. Let us go green.

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